
SimpleLight Project

SimpleLight is a project I participate in Turku University. It’s an easy-to-use, web based remote control LED lamp.

Simple Light Project

Programmer: Gao Changyu, Qian Jiayan, Yang Xuerui


The hardware is quite simple. We got 4 adafruit neopixel(ws2812b) led and connect them serially. The data in port is connected to pin 18, vcc and gnd are connected directly to raspberry pi.

Setup software for raspberry pi 2B

The project is configured for raspberry pi 2B. Before running the code, you need to install some dependencies.

  1. Install the newest raspbian image to a SD card. In our case, we use raspbian jessie.
  2. Connect the raspberry pi to the Internet with a cable. Log into the board with ssh.
  3. follow the instruction in (http://www.fernandocosentino.net/pyoconnect/) to install dependencies for PyoConnect 1.0.
  4. In the terminal, run the following commands to install other dependencies. $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get install git cmake nodejs mysql-server-5.5 libmysqlcppconn-dev python-mysqldb

when asked the root password of mysql, use 123456.

  1. configure the database: $ mysql -uroot -p
    mysql> create database lightcontrol
    mysql> use lightcontrol
    mysql> source ~/light_control_project/sql/database.sql
  2. get the source code: $ cd ~
    $ git clone https://github.com/gaochangyu/SimpleLight.git
  3. make the ws2812b_controller: $ cd ~/light_control_project/ws2812b_controller/
    $ cmake .
    $ make

Run the software

run the ws2812b controller:

$ sudo ~/light_control_project/ws2812b_controller/ws2812b_raspberry_pi2

run the webpage server:

$ nodejs ~/light_control_project/server/SimpleLight.nodejs

run the Myo Connect adapter:

$ python ~/light_control_project/PyoConnect_v1.0/light_control.pyoc

Enjoy it!

Connect raspberry pi to a router, then you can access the webpage at http://ip_of_raspberry_pi:3000. You should be able to change the light color of the leds through a palette (in mode one).
Myo connect is also supported. you can use double click gesture to change the visual effect.

  • mode 1: Rainbow Effect.
  • mode 2: Flash Effect.
  • mode 3: Flashing Rainbow Effect.
  • mode 4: Change the led color with the web palette.


All the documents about the project are in Docs folder.